Holiday Baking
December 19, 2016
‘Tis the season for baking! To me, baking is so different from cooking. When I’m cooking a meal, I hardly ever measure my ingredients and I adapt the recipe to what I have in the fridge at the time (No shallot? Well, I have onion and leeks! Why not?)
Baking is different. Baking is a science. I make sure to have all of my measuring cups and spoons ready and I never stray from the recipe.
This time of year, there’s nothing more comforting than putting on some holiday tunes, dusting off Lois (that’s what I’ve named my standing Kitchenaid mixer) and whipping up some delicious cookies and treats.
As a dietitian, I believe all foods fit in a healthy lifestyle. I don’t believe it’s necessary (or even healthy) to restrict and/or eliminate foods- especially ones that we love! Instead, allow yourself to enjoy some of your favorite holiday sweets and balance it out by staying active and watching portion sizes at other meals (check out my tips for staying on track during the holidays).
Below are some of my favorite holiday treats to make my family and friends as gifts. Always be sure to make something people actually like. If your mother-in-law hates chocolate (I know, crazy!) don’t make her chocolate truffles. Even asking people if they prefer sweet or savory treats will help you tailor your gifts to their preferences which makes for an awesome gift.
While some of these treats aren’t necessarily “healthy” they are scratch-made with whole ingredients and have fewer ingredients than you would find in a pre-packaged or box mix, which is always a better choice in my book.
Happy baking!